Freddy Flowpez


Freddy Flowpez’s music is a change-making, spirit-shaking, boundary-breaking force. With influences ranging from West Coast hip hop to East Coast underground to Latin Romantics, the bilingual rapper delivers a passionate rhythmic flow infused with a smooth poetic uplifting message. His captivating live shows and his 14 years of songwriting experience have helped him develop a truly powerful sound. For example, his song, "My Home" has been and continues to be used at schools and community centers all over the California, Bay Area as an anthem for home-pride and to spark dialogue about the issue of gentrification. It has also been featured on the multi-million subscriber online magazine, "Tech Crunch". Freddy Flowpez is a strong proponent of peace, love and powertothepeople and his music is a beautiful extension of that.
Freddy Flowpez’s love for music began around 2004, at the age of 15. Seeing that Bible verses weren’t reaching him, his after school mentor, Edwin Moreno encouraged him to write his own rap verses. At first, Flowpez was too shy, but when he put the pen to paper and lyrics to beat his flows came naturally, hence the name Flowpez. His newfound gift however, was not enough to keep him engaged and out of the rough streets of his hometown, East Palo Alto, California. At age 16 Flowpez got locked up for riding in a stolen car. At age 18 he was out partying with several friends and crashed his car making it role 3 times, gashing his scalp and almost losing numerous lives including his. Flowpez managed to bounce back from his mistakes by moving away from his hometown for a few years and finding his passion for social change while learning the histories of people of color in the United States and engaging with social activism.
In 2013, at age 24 Freddy Flowpez graduated from the University of California Riverside with a major in Ethnic Studies and a Minor in Creative Writing. Soon after college Flowpez attended the West Coast Songwriters Conference where his song “Power” from his project, “A Moment of Power EP” was nominated as one of the “Best Songs” of the conference. Furthermore, upon graduating college, Flowpez landed a job as an Artist in Residence at a non-profit organization back in his hometown called Live In Peace (LIP). At LIP he worked with the music coordinators, Justin Phipps and Thomas Occhiuto as well as with their youth Hip Hop Orchestra (H20) to create the aforementioned song, “My Home”.
Unfortunately, due to the issue of gentrification and not being able to afford a place to live as an aspiring artist, Freddy Flowpez inevitably moved away and landed in Portland, Oregon in 2016. He quickly found connections in Portland and with Cypher Cure, an organization that encourages healing through Hip Hop, Flowpez contributed to a music compilation and to two benefit concerts for Standing Rock, which helped raise over $2000. Following the first benefit concert, Flowpez and another Cypher Cure leader, traveled to Standing Rock to help deliver a caravan of goods and the compilation CD, “Portland Hip Hop 4 Standing Rock.” Freddy Flowpez recently moved again and is living in Albuquerque, New Mexico where he is more energized than ever to keep the spirit of Hip Hop and Social Change alive all over the world as he works hard to complete his 2nd official project